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Get Customized Solution for U-Report App UNICEF
U-Report App

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Features and Benefits of U-Report App in a Nutshell

An organized process to collect anonymous offline feedback from people

Real-time responses of polls, questions, surveys from any geographical location

Stories section from real people to connect to and understand the issue of a country

Transparency of data for everyone involved

100% security of features and data

Support multiple countries

Approved by UNICEF Bangladesh

Designed perfectly to suit the needs of UN Agencies, NGOs, Non-profit or any other organization

Tried and tested with companies successfully

Applied on practical grounds on Rohingya Camp in Bangladesh

Boosts volunteering actions and satisfaction

Friendly size of the application (Around 50 MB- depends on customization)

Feedback collection even without any internet connection

✓ Mapping of responses based on age, gender, country, and much more

Zero registration cost for target people

✓ Relies on numbers and opinions of real people and drives relevant results and fit for people of all ages

A lot more features ready for release

✓ The door for customization always open for you




U-Report is based on Three Major Components

Create Online and Offline Surveys

Optimized for Productive Results


  1. An offline server processes and converts the incoming data flow into U-Report format.


  2. App can takes feedback from the users even without any internet connection.


  3. The feedbacks sync automatically once the internet is connected.


  4. In this way, users can submit their surveys even when they are offline.


Connect with your Community

Connect with your U-Reporters

This is a free app for community participation


The aim and design are to address issues that the population wants to know about—opinions that can be shared quickly and instantly change the game. 

Suppose you or your organization is planning to take surveys online. Even if it is based on different geographical locations, this app is perfect for you.

Because you can make endless customization to this already successful app that suits your needs.

Share your Opinion and Check the Results


Increase Overall App Effectiveness


  1. U-Report App offers users to share their opinions both online and offline. Also, you can check the latest questions and polls too.


  2. The App shows the presentations of the questions answered, users' location, users' age, and gender.


  3. You can observe the users' opinions through graphical statistics for each view by our U-Report App.


Enjoy Stories to Understand the Main Issues

Check Stories to Understand the Main Issue

Channelize the Motivation to Inspire your Contributors


  1. You can be a part of something only if you can understand and feel it. 


  2. Different countries and have various events and stories. 


  3. Once you start reading them by selecting your country, you can relate more and participate in polls. 


  4. Enjoy real-life experiences of people with pictures. What they have to say is practical and natural. 


  5. Even language is not the issue after you select your desired country. 


Anticipate your People’s Needs

Even without any Internet Connectivity


The app can take the surveys and save the data even if there isn't any internet connection. It transfers the data online when it gets the internet. 

There are polls, questions, and alerts that are sent via Direct Message. 

Also, all those replies, responses, ideas, and results are shared back with the community. So that everything remains transparent. 

In addition, everything is achievable even in the offline mode. 

Anticipate your People's Needs
Get more Insights

Get more Insights

Gathering information is No Longer Time Consuming

The surveys cover multiple Issues: 

  • Health and Education

  • Water, sanitation, and hygiene 

  • Youth Unemployment, HIV/AIDS, other disease outbreaks 

Not only that, based on the country, you can add anything which you think citizens want to discuss. 

Convert your Text into Speech

Provide Smarter Self-Service


  • UNICEF's U-Report App offers to hear the story details in a speech. 
  • The Application has a text-to-speech function, and it can read all the texts.
  • You won't be bored with our U-Report app as you don't need to read the stories always.

Collection of Real-Time Responses and Mapping 

All the collected data is presented in the form of Graphs and Charts


Transparency and Security of Data

Build your own private documentation library


The individual messages that you collect remain confidential for sure. However, the collected data is transparent. 

The information that you receive through people can be classified by gender, age, and country too. That too in real-time/instantly.


Transparency and Security of Data
Give your Community the Information they Need

Give your Community the Information and
Self-Confidence they Need


This helps a lot to connect the young people to their representatives. With that, your organization's programs can improve rapidly. 

Not only that, you can bring attention to some urgent issues that include national governments and/or the UN. People can open up in this system.

All in all, the civil people, NGO-s, and the leaders of any country can check out all the site's info to get a clear view of what the people hope for. All of that with tight security of the information for every country!

Includes Around 80 Countries 

Encourage Geographical Collaborations and Generate Fruitful Discussions and Results


That number is increasing too. Different countries have different cultures. 

To suit every culture, your organization needs different stories. The featured stories need to be country-specific. Stories that you can relate to.

Tales from real-life people who want to share their issues. Whom you want to hear from. 


Includes Around 80 Countries
This offline Supported App is Engaging Youth Voices


This Offline-Supported App is Engaging Youth Voices

For a Strong Positive Social Change Worldwide

Moreover, various countries have various emotions and individual feedback. So, the questions and polls are different as well, based on geography and mentality. 

As a bonus, you can be sure of the same quality and data privacy for all countries. 



Improve your App and Reduce the Workload 

The Scope of Customization is always Open


According to reports, there are more than 40 national U-Report programmes already.

That includes the global project.

The good news is, the number of people joining is increasing day by day.

Improve your App and Reduce the Workload
Keep your Target Community Engaged and Your System Relevant


Provide First-Class Volunteering support

Zero Registration Cost for U-Reporters


Actually, U-Report is a big part of the volunteer community. The volunteers, through the app, termed as U-Reporters, take charge to provide the information on issues related to their geographical location (since the app system is available worldwide already).

U-Reporters take a stand on their community. They aim to create change, a good one. In addition, the volunteers receive sensitive important information regarding international issues. 

Do you have a better name in your mind for this system?

Share it with us so that we can start the work immediately!


Keep your Target Community Engaged and Your System Relevant

Take Part in a Global Platform

The application is a tried and tested formula.

Our clients already got the results, especially with the offline feature.

Bangladesh got a great boost with this feature during a Rohingya Camp survey. The swift system helped to reach the offline opinions of many people to others (because the camps had no internet connection).

Take Part in A Global Platform
U Report Global Stories Section in Laptop

Enjoy the service in several languages

Allow Every Individual to Take the Lead

U-Report App is available in multiple languages as per your requirements. For now, it supports English, Bangla, and Burmese languages.

Need more languages? Feel free to reach out!


What are we offering?

Feature Customization

Customize As much as you like

Our U-Report App is based on three main components 

  • Rapidpro Server 
  • U-Report Offline Server 
  • U-Report Application 

However, we accept more customization as per your specific requirements in our U-Report App.

Here You Go!

Support and Maintenance

Our Support and Maintenance offers - 

  • Technical administration guide
  • Functionality Check
  • App updates after bug fixing
  • Prompt response to all queries
  • Testing & Bug fixing
  • Troubleshooting
  • User manual
  • Protection from hack and virus

Ask for More Now!


Our U-Report App offers multiple languages as per your country or region.

We provide localized service to meet the needs of a particular language, culture, or desired population in our U-Report App.




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    Helping adolescents to speak up.
    Google Play Store
    Yes! Users' shared data is secured in the U-Report app.

    U-Report app is supported in multiple languages.

    Yes, U-Report is available for offline use.
    Everyone can use the U-Report application.

    May be Yes! Let's discuss.